Friday, December 14, 2012

Words and Images: Class Review

I must say, I was really excited, and very nervous, to start Words and Images this semester, but I wouldn't take it back for the world. I not only was able to learn more about myself as a designer, I also learned about my writing.

I found that I HATE product packaging!! That was my least favorite project. I also found that I really enjoy layout. I should have known that since I want to create a magazine, but this class really helped me figure that out. I also want to learn so much more about what the software can do. I am in awe of the quality of work that my classmates put out, and I look forward to being able to illustrate as well as them. I will spend the next few weeks illustrating in my free time, and hope that one day I will be as fluent in Adobe as I can be.

As far as my writing, I have learned to take "there are" out of every sentence if I can. I'm sorry, I MUST take "there are" out of every sentence. While it is frustrating to constantly see comments on how I need to take if out, I can only imagine how frustrating it was for Stephanie to have to read all of that!

I really enjoyed this class. To all of my classmates, I really enjoyed your comments, your input, and your ability to make 6 hours on a Saturday fly by for 15 weeks. The amount of talent in our class was rediculous, and I look forward to seeing big things from everyone.

I look forward to using the skills I learned in this class to do great things, and I must stop stunting my creativity because I think someone else won't like it. I am only hurting myself when I do that.

My only regret was not taking a picture of our beautiful fish project at mid-term.

Childhood Reminders

I know this is a bit off track, but I had to share. I wanted to search some creative concepts for Christmas advertising and I ran across this picture.

It is supposed to be a Christmas Tree created by the sharpening of a green pencil, but it reminded me of my childhood. I used to constantly try to create long pencil shreddings without breaking them. I never got any to look as good as this one, but I had to share for all the grown up kids who did the same thing that I did.

Give Wildlife a Hand

While I was surfing the web, I found some great pictures that I had to share. My mom is a nanny, so I grew up going to the zoo with the kids she cared for. That is what made me stop when I saw a picture of a zebra. I found these really cool pictures of animals created by hands urging people to give wildlife a hand.

Take a look.

My Life This Semester

Since this semester has been one of my hardest semesters to date (I considered dropping out of grad school at least three times -- last week being the third time), I have decided that I would make light of some of the things that I have been through this semester.

As you know, I worked on the Question 6 and Question 4 campaigns for work, and that was crazy. Until November, I hadn't pulled an all nighter since I was 21! I decided, with some help from Beth, to look up some vintage campaign signs. Since the internet is full of so many fallacies, I decided that I would look for funny campaign ads instead.

Wanted to share a few (even if they're not real) that made me laugh:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Photoshop Fight Humor

While I have never been a fan of boxing, I remember my father used to watch it religiously. If the fight doesn't involve Floyd Mayweather (who I want to lose, and lose badly), I don't pay any attention to it. Well, that is until Manny Pacquiao went down hard last weekend.

I have decided to share with you some of the funniest, or most creative, Photoshopped images I found.

If you missed the fight, see it here:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Re-Design Edits

I have edited my blog with the suggestions I was given in class. I chose a more browser friendly color, and have also varied the braille in the background. Please let me know if you see anything else that may need to be tackled.

Although I liked the pink, I think the blue hues look better.

Friday, November 30, 2012


This will be the third redesign I have done. The first just changed a few colors and the layout. This one actually took some thought.

I have decided to write Blind Design out in braille (I know blind people can't feel it on a computer screen) and splash it throughout the page. I have also changed the color scheme to a purple and pink.

Please let me know what you think.

Also, I was able to add on to my blog reel, but I'm worried because I did it the same way I initially did it and it didn't fully work then.