Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Would Appreciate Some Feedback

I was absent from class the day we did crit for project 4, and I have yet to receive any crit back.

It would be wonderful to get some feedback before I turn this in on Saturday.



Postcard Front

Postcard Back


  1. Very nice, I very much like the way you are the fact v. myth angle you are taking with the project! But the middle photo doesn't fit, but at the same time it is the strongest because it is the most emotional. I am not sure if this is possible but some nice large images of a couple sending their child to school, or/and holding a toddler would be really nice. I suggest looking on flicklr for some very authentic images, many are large and the artist has given right to download them. Also the headline of the first one may be a bit forced, perhaps another angle.

  2. Thanks, Callan. I will see what I can find.

  3. I am sorry I didn't see your post earlier, Vanessa. I really like your concept!
